2009年3月15日 星期日

Ans: Group Assignment: Post #5

1) Unsolicited commercial e-mail (Spam), Cookies and Opt-out model may violate privacy or ethical rights without realizing it.

Spam – Businesses sending out thousands and even hundreds of thousands of unsolicited commercial e-mails for advertisement their promotion.

Cookies – When you visit some web site, the web server will request the cookie from your computer to identify the visitor. Your personal information will be saved at web server.

Opt-out model – When you sign up for a member account in some web site (e.g. forum, Blog, photo album), they can collect/use personal information until the consumer specifically requests that the data not be collected.

2) Spam – You may not receive Spam by filter setting of Anti-Spam when you using yahoo mail or other e-mail software.

Cookies – You can adjust the internet privacy policy setting in your Microsoft windows to block all Cookies. After this, all web site may not request cookies from your computer when you visit any web site.

Opt-out model – When you sign up for a member account, uncheck the options boxes about any marketing communications offers.

1 則留言:

  1. these answers are all correct. To avoid sending spam, businesses should send marketing e-mails only to customers who have given permission for them to do so. They should also allow users to unsubscribe easily via a link at the end of the e-mail.

    Cookies by themselves are not unethical, as long as businesses do not combine cookies from multiple web sites in order to form a complete profile of a user's behavior and preferences.

    The section on opt-out model is correct. Businesses should adopt opt-in model of information collection as this is more ethical (let users decide which boxes to tick instead of ticking everything for them in advance).
